Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Using Porters Five Forces Model to Evaluate Movie Rentals

Using Porters Five Forces Model to Evaluate Movie Rentals Free Online Research Papers One hotly contested and highly competitive industry is the movie rental business. You can rent videos from local video rental stores, you can order pay-per-view from the comfort of your own home, and you can rent videos from the Web at such sites as NetFlix. Using Porters Five Forces Model, evaluate the relative attractiveness of entering the movie rental business. Is buyer power low or high? Is supplier power low or high? Which substitute products and services are perceived as threats? Can new entrants easily enter the market? What are the barriers to entry? What is the level of rivalry among existing competitors? What is your overall view of the movie rental business? Is it a good or bad industry to enter? Why? The model I will be using to evaluate the relative attractiveness of entering the movie rental business is the Redbox model. Redbox has become a leader in kiosk DVD rentals with low prices and ease of renting movies. Buying power is high in the general video market because there are many choices for consumers. However Redbox because of their low overhead costs, machines versus people, they can offer their product at a lower price giving them a competitive advantage. Even though prices for newer types of DVD’s (Blu-ray) have gone up, consumers are still only willing to pay a set price for that product, so companies make less of a profit on each sale, Supplier power is low because there are only a few distributors and they all sell their products at similar price levels. The bargaining power of the customer determines the pressure customers put on a particular market. Redbox’s business model considers this in the following ways: Customers generally do not buy large volumes of the product. There are only a few operators in the industry. The fixed cost by suppliers is high, but this applies to competitors as well. There is really no legal substitute for the product. Customers are price-sensitive, but Redbox provides the product cheaper then all of its competitors. Customers cannot produce the product. The product is of strategically importance – entertainment. The threat of alternative products does not exist. It is only the distribution of the product that has alternative modes. The customer gets the same brand of the same quality with Redbox as with any other seller in the industry. There is no notable difference in the price for performance – except the ease of obtaining Redbox’s products. One of the downsides of the Redbox model is there is no direct customer service. However, customer service can be accessed online but it is not immediate. Redbox’s business model deals with the different pressures of new entrants in the following ways: Competition would have to develop an enterprise of significant size to be considered a threat. The have secured many of the prize locations for their kiosks (Wal-Mart, McDonald’s, Walgreen’s). A company would be hard pressed to find better locations to compete on the same level as redbox. Considering the volume of hardware, software and personnel; the initial cost to competitors would be very high. The machines are extremely expensive plus having the software and personnel to run them are another cost barrier. Existing competitors, (Blockbusters, Netflix) though experienced, are not prepared to compete in a kiosk rental capacity. But Blockbuster is moving in that direction. Blockbuster has said that they will close some of their stores and put in kiosks instead. The new business will be called Blockbuster Express. The loyalty in this industry is to the product, not the distributor. Existing competitors will have to completely reinvent their business to compete in that market. Most competitors’ strategies are out-dated and are playing catch up to Redbox’s business model, The product is the same between competitors; it is Redbox’s kiosk presence and price point that makes it more attractive. The market growth is constant. Rivalry among competitors is very high and they are always looking for more ways to bring the customer to them and away from the competition. They use advertising, promotions, and price cuts to get customers to use them. Redbox has done a good job of competing by using the low price of its product verses its competition. Before Redbox, an average rental was between three and four dollars for one or two nights. With redbox lowering the price to one dollar a night and using the convenience of an ATM style platform, it set the competitors scrambling to match that price point. I have a different view of the movie industry then most because I have owned my own video rental store for the last ten years. When I first started out, we only had VHS tapes and they were very expensive to buy for rentals, but this was offset by the fact that you could not buy new releases at Wal-Mart for 30 to 45 days after their initial release. So the customer had to rent from you, if they wanted to see the movie sooner. With the invention of the DVD, the studios began selling to Wal-Mart on the same day it came out at the video store. So now customers could buy it instead of renting it. For the store, my cost came down, but so did the profits. Then with Redbox entering the market the total price point changed. The dollar price point does not leave much room for profit unless there is a large turnover. The small mom and pop stores are hard pressed to compete in this market because they can not buy in volume or sell as many products to make it affordable. The movie rental business is still a good business to enter because there will always be a demand for movie rentals. Not everyone is interested in owning all of the movies that come out. However, if I were starting my business today, I would not open a brick and mortar store; I would try to get into the kiosk market. However, I would do it in a way that would be unique. I would enter smaller markets with less competition and sell my product at a higher price than Redbox, but cheaper then the brick and mortar stores. I would also offer movies that are hard to get or have a cult following, such as John Wayne movies. The movie rental business is not dead, but the rules have definitely changed. Research Papers on Using Porter's Five Forces Model to Evaluate Movie RentalsAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaRiordan Manufacturing Production PlanDefinition of Export QuotasMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfOpen Architechture a white paperWhere Wild and West MeetNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NicePETSTEL analysis of India

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Challenges in Refrigerated or Frozen Chicken Productions Business Essay Example

Challenges in Refrigerated or Frozen Chicken Productions Business Essay Example Challenges in Refrigerated or Frozen Chicken Productions Business Essay Challenges in Refrigerated or Frozen Chicken Productions Business Essay Refrigerated or frozen chicken production is a really good deal as a business. Almost everyone eats chicken, and almost no house has a fridge with no chicken inside it. But as entrepreneurs still there are challenges in having this business officially. In my essay, I’m going to mention some of the challenges I’m going to face as an entrepreneur incase I wanted this business to exist in my country Saudi Arabia, and how I might have to find substitute solutions so that my business doesn’t end up with failure like some other businesses. The first issue is that the competitors in the same market are driving the bridges; there are really big competitors in the market. And other than that is that the competitor’s affectation is less because of their production’s volume. They can product a lot in a short time and sell it with the lowest prices which grows the company really fast and makes competition a really hard thing for others that would have the same business. Another issue is that for refrigerated or frozen chicken production we should use pure natural medications instead of the chemical ones which cost a lot more of course, and because of this issue our revenues will grow less because we’ll have to spend more in expanding the volume of our quality. Other issues exist as well such as the lack of price competition which we can’t have because of the low cost in other firms, as we mentioned earlier the competitors’ production is very large which is the thing that really makes them sell their products with the least they can, so what we can do is compete in the quality by using natural medication, because our product then will be more trustable and everyone would want to buy which will be the good thing about our product. Last but not least are the license issues. The government almost never gives the license unless the conditions were required such as employ a specific number of citizens, a specific amount of investment that should be earned, and other conditions that not every business can include in their business plan. These were the issues with some solutions that I thought can be useful for them. Like every business there has to be issues, but as well as there are issues, solutions have got to have somewhere.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

North America Immigration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

North America Immigration - Essay Example The pace of migration rose from 1910 following the Mexican revolution. Around fifty thousand Mexicans migrated to USA each year from that period till 1929. The reason of migration was higher availability and opportunity of Job in USA than in Mexico. Jobs in USA also offered a higher wage rate than that in Mexico. To tame this inflow, in 1929 around 2 million Mexicans were forcefully deported back to Mexico. In 1942 during the Second World War considering the Mexicans as a cheap source of labour again looked profitable and a programme named Bracero was formed by USA and Mexican officials that paved the way for legal status for the Mexican immigrants as guest labourers. Obviously the Mexican labourers working in USA under that programme were bereft of any labour protections that were extended to USA labourers. The same set up has been maintained till 1986, however not in papers rather through verbal and mostly under the table agreement. In 1986 USA government gave amnesty to 3 million uncited Mexican labourers and were given all possible rights that a USA labour enjoys. However, owing to the high demand of undocumented Mexican labourers from corporations for the lesser burden on corporations regarding wage and rights, their number kept on growing. (Head) According to the 1990 census of United States of America the documented Mexican population was 4.3 million that rose to 9.8 in 2002. The undocumented population of Mexicans in USA grew at a faster rate; it was 2 million in 1990 and 5.3 million in 2002. The projected number of Mexican immigrant in USA would be 13 million by the end of 2010. ( A striking change has taken place in terms of destination of the Mexican immigrants in USA. The traditional destination areas mentioned previously are gradually getting replaced by states like â€Å"Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Advise the Prime Minister and Home Secretary of any problems they are Essay

Advise the Prime Minister and Home Secretary of any problems they are likely to encounter with the Order in Council and its provisionsin Parliament - Essay Example This measure because necessary because the PM and Home Secretary deem the acts of Parliament as being insufficient in dealing with terrorism in the UK. Due to that, they seek to get the Privy Council to issue an Order in Council that states that: 1.Human Rights Act 1998 is not applicable to the exercise of the Order 2.The formulation of a special tribunal by the Order in Council for the trying of suspected terrorism and terrorist sympathisers 3.The tribunal could detain suspects for 90 days. The period is renewable. 4.The nomination of a state advocate to represent the suspect. They cannot choose their own representatives. 5.The state advocate of a suspect could not meet with suspects. 6.The tribunal would hear the case in the absence of the suspect and the state advocate would be appointed to represent the interest of the suspect. 7.Guilty persons will be detained indefinitely and not allowed to meet their visitors. 8.Suspects would be subjected to â€Å"harsh but realistic† regime of incarceration [possibly, torture] 9.There would be no right for appeal for the suspects when they are convicted. 10.There would be no press reports of any type related to the suspects and their hearings. The paper provides an advice for the Prime Minister and Home Secretary on the problems they are likely to encounter with the Order in Council and its provisions. This would be done in relation to Parliament and to the Courts. The courts in the UK are required to operate within the fundamental and primary framework of laws in the UK that are a valid part of the laws of the land. This include the traditional sources of UK law and other sources of the law in the country.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Target audiences and presentational devices Essay Example for Free

Target audiences and presentational devices Essay Newspapers have changed overtime in many ways even though most people are subscribed to at least one newspaper likeThe Seattle Times, The New York Times, The Sun, and The Daily Telegraph and so on. Now, because of the internet and online news publications for nearly every newspaper, newspapers have become a thing of the past. This means that people no longer have to spend money on buying a newspaper and also means that they can be more personalised. But in the early 19th century, many cities in Europe, as well as North and South America, published newspaper-type publications though not all of them developed in the same way; content was vastly shaped by regional and cultural preferences. Advances in printing technology related to the Industrial Revolution enabled newspapers to become an even more widely circulated means of communication. In 1814, The Times (London) acquired a printing press capable of making 1,100 impressions per minute. A wide variety of material has been published in newspapers, including editorial opinions, criticism, persuasion and op-eds; obituaries; entertainment features such as crosswords, sudoku and horoscopes; weather news and forecasts; advice, food and other columns; reviews of movies, plays and restaurants classified ads including display ads, editorial cartoons and comic strips. Most traditional papers also featured an editorial page containing editorials written by an editor and columns that express the personal opinions of writers. Another way they have changed is that they have included more stories which appeal to their target audience, meaning that they will include more pictures and stories depending on what the audience want for example: the sun tends to have lots of people with the socio economic of E-C which can connote that for most male adults and young male teenagers, they are mostly interested in page 3 models and sport. Before the internet, everyone received the good old Sunday paper. There are still some benefits of having a newspaper. You receive all of the news at once, and something that you might not think of clicking on online, you may glance across on a newspaper and find yourself interested in it. Also, the pure fact that a newspaper is a hard copy, easier to read for a longer period of time, counts towards the positives of newspapers. By 2007 there were 6580 daily newspapers in the world selling 395 million copies a day. The worldwide recession of 2008, combined with the rapid growth of web-based alternatives, caused a serious decline in advertising and circulation, as many papers closed or sharply retrenched operations. These days, most people find it a lot easier and quicker to turn on their computer and browse their favourite news website not to mention that online news sites are generally free, compared to newspaper subscriptions. All in all, the newspaper business is slowly fading out of our everyday life, being replaced by various online publications. All the funding and budget they get to make the newspapers is the newspaper is typically funded by paid subscriptions and advertising. There are many different types of newspaper job roles: Journalists reporters editor columnist copy editor meteorologist news presenter photographer political commenter Industrial Revolution Soon, it was adapted to print on both sides of a page at once. This innovation made newspapers cheaper and thus available to a larger part of the population. In 1830, the first penny press newspaper came to the market: Lynde M. Walters Boston Transcript. Penny press papers cost about one sixth the price of other newspapers and appealed to a wider audience. In France, i mile de Girardin started La Presse in 1836, introducing cheap, advertising-supported dailies to France. In 1848, August Zang, an Austrian who knew Girardin in Paris, returned to Vienna to introduce the same methods with Die Presse (which was named for and frankly copied Girardins publication). Impact of television and Internet By the late 1990s the availability of news via 24-hour television channels and then the Internet posed an ongoing challenge to the business model of most newspapers in developed countries. Paid circulation has declined, while advertising revenue which makes up the bulk of most newspapers income has been shifting from print to the new media, resulting in a general decline in profits. Many newspapers around the world launched online editions in an attempt to follow or stay ahead of their audience. However, in the rest of the world, cheaper printing and distribution, increased literacy, the growing middle class and other factors have more than compensated for the emergence of electronic media and newspapers continue to grow. On April 10, 1995, The American Reporter became the first daily newspaper, with its own paid reporters around the world and all-original content, to start on the Internet. The Editor-in-Chief and founder is Joe Shea. The site is owned by 400 journalists. Newspaper typically generates 70-80% of its revenue from advertising, and the remainder from sales and subscriptions. The portion of the newspaper that is not advertising is called editorial content, editorial matter, or simply editorial, although the last term is also used to refer specifically to those articles in which the newspaper and its guest writers express their opinions. (This distinction, however, developed over time early publishers like Girardin (France) and Zang (Austria) did not always distinguish paid items from editorial content. ) Newspapers have been hurt by the decline of many traditional advertisers. Department stores and supermarkets could be relied upon in the past to buy pages of newspaper advertisements, but due to industry consolidation are much less likely to do so now. Additionally, newspapers are seeing traditional advertisers shift to new media platforms. The classified category is shifting to sites including craigslist, employment websites, and auto sites. National advertisers are shifting to many types of digital content including websites, rich media platforms, and mobile. In recent years, the advertorial emerged. Advertorials are most commonly recognized as an opposite-editorial which third-parties pay a fee to have included in the paper. Advertorials commonly advertise new products or techniques, such as a new design for golf equipment, a new form of laser surgery, or weight-loss drugs, the tone are usually closer to that of a press release than of an objective news story. In all, only 39 percent of the stories were related to dangerousness, smaller than the 50 to 75 percent of stories reported in earlier research but consistent with the approximately 30 percent of stories found by Wahl and colleagues. However, more stories fell into the dangerousness category than any other category. Hence, the public is still being influenced with messages about mental illness and dangerousness. Findings suggest the complexity of these results. A majority of stories are about violent crime against others or legal defences related to mental illness. However, stories in this group also included themes of suicidal or self-injurious behaviours and non-violent crimes. Stories related to dangerousness often ended up in the front sections of newspaper, making them more visible to readers. The target audience depends on the section of the paper. The funnies would be children. The sports would (most likely) be men. The economical section would be adults in general; usually newspapers and magazines targeted audience is the General Public. In the case of newspapers, it its own local people. In some magazines, their target audience is business owners and well to do rich folk. Some have specific audiences like music lovers, car lovers, or nature lovers. In most newspapers and magazines theres something in there to read for everyone.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Essay --

DISCUSS AND EXPLAIN, WHAT IS THE NATURE OF UNPROFESSIONAL CONDUCT BY THIS NURSE IN THIS SITUATION? The Australian nursing and midwifery council have established certain standards and code under which all the registered nurses ought to practice. The code of ethical conduct sets a frontier, and protects nurses’ activities. They have set a framework for the implementation of the profession competently and efficiently enduring to it, so that it delivers a safe work atmosphere. In fact, the emphasis of nursing ethics is more on evolving a compassionate correlation rather than apprehensions about broader principles, such as kindness and honesty. It comprises of certain codes of conduct and national competency standards established by the regulatory bodies which assist the nurses to practice within their scope. In this scenario, the nurse has evidently broken codes of conduct in several means. According to ANMC Code of Professional Conduct, professional misbehaviour refers to the incorrect, immoral and erroneous conduct of a nurse outside the sphere of his or her practice. The nature of unprofessional conduct in the specified circumstance illustrates the behaviour of the nurse to be precarious and proves her in misconduct behaviour. It was a severe fault committed by the nurse; providing medication to a patient that was not prescribed to him by a medical practioner. Even though, she made analyses concerning the patient’s allergies and reactions to medication and provided medication unauthorised is an act beyond her scope of practice and is a solid sign of the unprofessional conduct. The nurse’s reason of the emergency department being hectic at that particular time and the inaccessibility of the doctor do... ... professional standards. †¢ It is worthy to arrange professional development programs at regular intervals. †¢ The nurse may undergo a drug administration course, which deals with different aspects of medication administration. †¢ An assessment to evaluate her competency in drug administration and knowledge basis can be done. †¢ A supervised assessment of drug administration for a defined person may help to avoid future problems †¢ Nurse must thoroughly review different legislative aspects in nursing such as the code of ethics, code of professional conduct and the national competency standards. †¢ Undergo professional counselling in order to review the need for ethical practices. †¢ Learn the policies and procedures of the organization. Nurse must understand her professional responsibilities, rights and boundaries and how to manage the emergency conditions

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Jack Sparrow Ca

Jack Sparrow Character Analysis. The Pirates of the Caribbean film series is one of the most popular film series to run its course through theaters in recent years. Action, adventure, and romance are some of the things we come to expect when we sit down to watch these amazing film adventures. But one of the things we can rely on most is the presence of Captain Jack Sparrow. While Sparrow was conceived to be only a supporting character, he proved to be popular after he was added into Disney’s theme park ride that spawned the movie series.Of course, a character as â€Å"far out† as Captain Jack had to be played by someone equally out-there: Johnny Depp. First we’ll talk about how Depp got into the role of Captain Jack and then I will analyze how Jack is portrayed as a character. In 2001, Depp was at Walt Disney Studios looking to do a family film. However, the fact that the Pirates theme park ride was going to be adapted into a film caught his attention first.Depp looked at the movie adaptation as a chance to revive his favorite movie genre,  and he was even more pleased when he found out the script fit his personality perfectly: a quirky pirate looking for adventure and in the end, showing he has a soft side. Depp was cast on June 10, 2002. Producer  of the series Jerry Bruckheimer  said that Depp was â€Å"an edgy actor who will kind of counter the Disney  Country Bears  soft quality and tell an audience that an adult and teenager can go see this and have a good time with it. When the cast got together for their read-through of the script, Depp surprised everyone by portraying the character in an off-kilter manner. After Depp did some research of his own on 18th century pirates, he compared the swashbucklers to modern rock stars and said he would base his performance on  Keith Richards. In a comic follow-up, Richards would later appear in two cameos as Jack's father,  Captain Teague, in  At World's End  and  On Stranger Tides. Director Gore Verbinski and Jerry Bruckheimer had confidence in Depp, in part because Orlando Bloom would be playing the traditional â€Å"hero† character in the series.Depp also improvised the film's final line, â€Å"Now, bring me that horizon†, which was writer Ted Elliot’s favorite line. Disney executives were, at first, confused by Depp's performance. Some even asked him whether the character was  drunk  or gay. Michael Eisner  even proclaimed while watching the events unfold, â€Å"He's ruining the film! †Ã‚  Depp actually fought back and responded, â€Å"Look, these are the choices I made. You know my work. So either trust me or give me the boot.   Some industry insiders also questioned Depp's casting, as he wasn’t known for working in a traditional studio setting and had even been called an unconventional actor. Depp's portrayal as Captain Jack Sparrow was critically acclaimed. Alan Morrison said â€Å"Gloriously over-the- top  Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ In terms of physical precision and verbal delivery, it's a master-class in comedy acting. †Ã‚  Roger Ebert  also found his performance â€Å"original in its every atom. There has never been a pirate, or for that matter a human being, like this in any other movie  Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ his behavior shows a lifetime of rehearsal. Ebert also praised Depp for moving away from the how Captain Jack was written. Depp won a  Screen Actor's Guild  award for his performance, and was also nominated for a  Golden Globe  and an  Academy Award for Best Actor, the first in his career. Film School Rejects  argued and wrote, â€Å"That because of Pirates, Depp has become as much a movie star as a  character actor. Johnny Depp returned as Jack Sparrow in  Dead Man's Chest, the first time the actor ever made a sequel. Drew McWeeny  stated, â€Å"Remember how cool  Han Solo  was in  Star Wars  the first time you saw it?And then remember how much cooler he seemed when  Empire  came out? This is that big a jump. †Ã‚  Depp received an  MTV Movie Award  and a  Teen Choice Award  for  Dead Man's Chest, and was also nominated for an  Empire Award  and another  Golden Globe. For his performance in  At World's End, Depp won an  MTV Movie Award  for Best Comedic Performance, as well as a  People's Choice Award, a  Kids' Choice Award, and another  Teen Choice Award. He has signed on to reprise the role for future sequels. Captain Jack appeals to us as moviegoers because he brings out our inner-most sense of adventure.We want him to succeed and we feel like we are right there when he takes us on an adventure. The first time we meet Captain Jack in The Curse of the Black Pearl he is sailing into Port Royal on a dinghy-like boat that is sinking to the ocean floor the during the whole scene. He eventually walks onto the dock from the crow’s nest, acting if nothing ever happened. He immediately pays off a dock worker in order to skip the mandatory ID check required to enter the city. This is what we love from a character; someone who makes the best of his situation and finds a way to get into the crowd.In the real world, we would never considering acting like Jack does. But in the movies, his adventure-seeking nature is something we crave. Despite all of the moral faults of Sparrow, the audience still finds him loveable. This is all thanks to Johnny Depp’s masterful portrayal. Depp was able to create a very human, multifaceted, believable character. What’s even weirder is that Jack is not the typical pirate that peaks our interests. He is not bulky, muscular, or very intimidating. His actions at some times are very effeminate.Although he used his brain more than brawn, the films will show us that he is very athletic on his own. Sparrow also shows us that it doesn’t matter who our friends are. Just look at his crew while he is commanding the Black Pearl. It is the most rag-tag group of pirates you will ever see. It even included a woman in the first movie, something that was very taboo for Captains to have in their crew at the time. Another bright spot on Sparrow is that he uses everything that is available to him. He may not be the best swordsman, but if there is anything that could possibly be a weapon near him, he will use it.Anything you can think of really; whiskey barrels, horses, even him fighting on a water-wheel that generates power. In Dead Man’s Chest Jack was found to be the accepted leader of a tribe of Caribbean natives. He somehow mastered their language and was living in the lap of luxury until he found out that he was going to be a human sacrifice. Things like this are what draw us to The Captain. His wild and crazy adventures may come to an end someday, but he will always be memorable to me and definitely left a mark on the movie world.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Labeled behavior Essay

After his release from Wiltwyck, Butch lived with his dad in a run-down tenement in the Bronx. Butch admired his father for his criminal exploits and his time imprison. Butch’s dad got drunk a lot and beat on Butch. Life degenerated into a nightmare and a series of tragedies for Butch. Rather than continue to live being beaten, Butch robbed a taxi driver at knife point and turned himself in to the police. The robbery was also part of his dream to become a real criminal. It was as if going to prison was the only future he could envision. Butch imploded from all the terrible forces within him, including his shattered home life and the terror of living by the code of the street. He became violently angry without provocation and acted as if he were mentally retarded. He claimed to hear voices and tried to choke another boy. Butch was sent to Bellevue Hospital for evaluation. The psychiatrist evaluating him found him seething with anger and ready to explode at any moment. Butch was also lonely and needed someone to love. Nevertheless, he was capable of explosive, homicidal behavior. He was labeled as having childhood schizophrenia, which psychiatrists at the time assigned to anyone hallucinating or claiming to hear voices. At age 14, Butch was sent to Rockland State Hospital. Butch became calmer there when he was removed from his parents’ troubles. A social worker discovered that his mother Marie was a prostitute and his father James, an alcoholic, was in the advanced stages of syphilis. The author speculates that congenital syphilis may have contributed to the family’s troubles. The psychiatrists at Rockland State Hospital diagnosed Butch as having childhood antisocial behavior marked by irritability, inattentiveness, and impulsivity. In adults, the syndrome is known as psychopathy or antisocial personality disorder. Discussion: (1) Heredity Study — For the first time a family history of congenital syphilis is noticed. The disease attacks the brain. Personality changes are another symptom. There is no way to know whether or not Butch was suffering from congenital or contracted syphilis and its effects without blood tests on him and the other family members. From the family history, this is a distinct possibility even back to slavery days. (2) Differential Opportunity Theory — People deprived of their basic needs such as food, water, shelter, safety, love, and self esteem will seek them any way they can get them. They may give up on their educational goals or not know about them. They fight because they know no other means of resolving conflict. After being beaten by his alcoholic father, Butch turned to crime to return to prison, a place where he would be safe, because he did not know how to escape legally. This theory fails to explain why other people in the same situation escape to live with other family members or turn to friends or some other source of safety other than commit a crime in order to return to prison. (3) Crime and Labeling Theory – Butch’s grandmother Frances has repeatedly told him he has the devil in him, like his father did. She really believed this. He is labeled at the Children’s Center when he begins to hear voices and hallucinate. He is sent to Wiltwyck, which is a residential treatment center for emotionally disturbed boys, and he is given that label. He is labeled as paranoid, aggressive, and prone to violence. Once these labels are attached by professional diagnosticians, it is difficult to remove them. The labels themselves cannot explain Butch’s actions or why he hears voices and hallucinates. The labels describe what Butch says is happening. Example of Behavior #3: Butch tries to sell 150 pornographic pictures and their negatives to Dave Hurwitz in his pawnshop, called â€Å"Dave’s Tailor Shop†, in Milwaukee. Butch stole the pictures from his employer, the Evans Color Lab, which saw no reason to report the crime. Hurwitz told Butch to come back tomorrow, and he would pay him $50 for the pictures. The next morning, Butch confronts Dave, who denies all knowledge of the pictures. Butch sees his photos behind the case register and reaches around to reclaim them. Hurwitz starts pushing him out of the shop. Everything in Butch’s life comes together. Here is a man calling him a liar, trying to hustle HIM, and insulting him. Since he was a boy, he had learned that disrespect was the worst thing a man could do to you. He had been taught to use physical violence to meat that threat. The thought running through Butch’s mind was, â€Å"He is disrespecting me. † Butch goes wild with rage and grabs the long hunting knife from the sheath on his back. He stabs Hurwitz six times and a customer, William Locke, six times before he leaves, almost running over a witness at the door. Butch turns himself in, confesses to the police, never requests a lawyer, and receives life in prison, returning to the only safe place he knows. Discussion: (1) Heredity Study – We do not know if Butch’s genetics predisposed him to crime. There are no blood studies confirming the hereditary syphilis. There are many people with genetic abnormalities who do not become criminal. It is obvious that Butch has now learned he is safe in prison, and that the security there fits his needs. If genetics were involved, Butch’s male ancestors should exhibit the same behavior. The theory is not testable here. There is no way to ask Butch why he feels this way. It also does not explain his uncontrollable rage when the pawnbroker tries to avoid paying him. (2) Differential Opportunity Theory – Butch has access both to a job and to illegal means of making a living. He stole from his employer and continued his life of crime despite the better example and the trade he learned. Not all people with a trade and a job take advantage of their employers, even if their family male role models are criminals. (3) Crime and Labeling Theory – By now, Butch has been labeled by professionals as a young sociopath. This describes behavior but cannot stop it or predict it. This is a circular path. A person who is labeled as a sociopath will behave as one and the label will be confirmed. Sometimes no other reasons are sought for criminal behavior. The adult Butch has received no therapy or other treatment for any of his labeled behavior.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Definition and Discussion of Graphology

Definition and Discussion of Graphology Definition ​Graphology is the study of handwriting as a means of analyzing character. Also called handwriting analysis. Graphology in this sense is not a branch of linguistics The term graphology is derived from the Greek words for writing and study. In linguistics, the term graphology is sometimes used as a synonym for graphemics, the scientific study of the customary ways in which spoken language is transcribed. Pronunciation   gra-FOL-eh-gee Examples and Observations In general, the scientific basis for graphological interpretations of personality is questionable.(Graphology. Encyclopedia Britannica, 1973) In Defense of Graphology Graphology is an old, well-studied, and well-applied projective psychological approach to the study of personality. . . . But somehow, in the United States, graphology is still often categorized as an occult or New Age subject. . . . The purpose of graphology is to examine and evaluate personality and character. Its use is comparable to assessment models such as the Myers-Brigg Type Indicator (which is widely employed in business), or other psychological testing models. And while handwriting can provide insight into the writers past and current state of mind, abilities, and compatibility with others, it cannot predict when he or she will meet a soul mate, accumulate wealth, or find peace and happiness. . . .   Though graphology is sure to meet its share of skeptics, its use has been taken seriously [for] years by many scientists and psychologists, and, most important, by some of the largest and most renowned corporations and government agencies in the world . . ..  In 1980 the Library of Congress changed the classification for graphology books from the occult section to the psychology section, officially moving graphology out of the New Age.(Arlyn Imberman and June Rifkin,  Signature for Success: How to Analyze Handwriting and Improve Your Career, Your Relationships, and Your Life. Andrews McMeel, 2003) An Opposing View: Graphology as an Assessment Tool A report published by the British Psychological Society, Graphology in Personnel Assessment (1993), concludes that graphology is not a viable means of assessing a persons character or abilities. There is no scientific evidence to support the claims of graphologists, and there is no relationship at all between what graphology predicts and subsequent performance in the workplace. This is a view endorsed by research evidence provided by Tapsell and Cox (1977). They maintain that there is no evidence to support the use of graphology in personal assessment.(Eugene F. McKenna,  Business Psychology and Organisational Behaviour, 3rd ed. Psychology Press, 2001) The Origins of Graphology Although there are some mentions of graphology as early as 1622 (Camilo Baldi, Treatise on a Method to Recognize the Nature and Quality of a Writer From His Letters), the practical origins of graphology are in the mid-19th century, based upon the work and writings of Jacques-Hippolyte Michon (France) and Ludwig Klages (Germany). It was, in fact, Michon who coined the term graphology which he used in the title of his book, The Practical System of Graphology (1871 and reprints). The origin of the term graphoanalysis is attributed to M.N. Bunker. Very simply, graphology [in law] is not Questioned Documents.  The purpose of  graphology is  to determine the character of the writer; the purpose of a questioned document examination is to determine the identity of a writer. Thus, graphologists and document examiners cannot trade jobs, since they are involved in very different skills.(Jay Levinson,  Questioned Documents: A Lawyers Handbook. Academic Press, 2001) The Promise of Graphology (1942) If taken away from fortune-tellers and given serious study, graphology may yet become a useful handmaiden of psychology, possibly revealing important traits, attitudes, values of the hidden personality. Research for medical graphology (which studies handwriting for symptoms of nervous diseases) already indicates that handwriting is more than muscular.(Handwriting as Character. Time magazine, May 25,1942)

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

11 Skills To Be Successful In A Content Marketing Career

11 Skills To Be Successful In A Content Marketing Career â€Å"What are you ever going to do with that?† That’s the usual response I’d get when people would ask what my college degree was in (it was art and art history). There would be a prolonged moment of silence and then that question. I don’t know if that prolonged moment of silence was in honor of the memory of what they thought was now-gone employability.  I can promise you that as I got older and there was more distance from my college graduation, I fretted less. Because in the ensuing years, I learned that the answer to that question was: quite a lot. Sometimes a skill is not just a skill. Thats what youll discover as you work toward a successful content marketing career. 11 Skills That Will Make You Successful In A Content #Marketing Career via @JulieNeidlinger Your Content Marketing Skills Add Up To A Lot Getting your art degree, it turns out, doesn’t only make you a prime candidate for being a professional artist, but it also spawns the ability to defend your work in front of a room of critics. You know the skill of B.S. (yes, it’s a real skill) and can create something out of nothing. As a content marketer, you're holding onto skill sets that go beyond â€Å"simply† being a content marketer. So, the next time someone asks you what you do as a content marketer, rest assured you have some solid answers. 1. You Write, Which Many People Cannot Do This skill is huge. Don’t ever undersell yourself as a content marketer, because your ability to write is paramount. Oddly,  writing  every day makes me forget that not everyone is a writer. I assume everyone is writing constantly and am shocked when I come across someone struggling with their writing. Reading long posts and comments on Facebook, for example, is stunning at times. I’m not interested in correcting grammar or making people feel embarrassed (many bizarre words and typo errors can be blamed on type assist on mobile devices), but I am genuinely surprised. In the past 5 years, the ability to write has noticeably declined among college students. #mindblownIn the past five years, the ability to write- which also includes vocabulary, grammar, and analysis- has noticeably declined among college students. 26% of college graduates  have deficient writing skills. That’s college graduates, we’re talking about. It’s easy to think writing great copy is just about stringing together the right words, but there is a huge analysis factor. Good writers have to be able to analyze their own ideas  and the ideas of others. Writing also involves communicating persuasively as well as clearly. Too often, good writing is seen as something that is clever rather than clear. Snappy and clever is fine, but not at the sake of clarity. And, of course, good writing is done in a way where you inform people while making every reader, no matter their skill and knowledge level, feel welcome. The fact that content marketers, out of necessity, are constantly writing means they are always in a state of practice. The sheer amount of times you put pen to paper (or word to screen) means that you are exercising your writing muscles and brain cells. Perhaps this is why I am surprised by the lack of writing skills I come across in others: They simply do not write every day. Your ability to write puts you at an extreme advantage in this world. Improve Your Skill: How To Write Content That Sells: The Anatomy In A 6-Figure Post How To Write Awesome Blog Posts With The Science Of Appeal How To Write For Your Intended Audience 2. You Create Under Pressure And With Others In a content marketing career, you're frequently at the mercy of the winds of trends, breaking news, and ever-changing technology. That means you get used to creating under some level of pressure. There’s no letting up, no break- because your audience is just one yawn away from leaving you (or so you think). You never know who will say what to you on social media, and you have to figure out a response in the moment that is both appropriate and genuine. Unless you’re a solo content marketer, you’re also pretty good at working with others. You delegate duties, plan timelines, and brainstorm. You have the ability to hit the ground running and think on your feet- with or without a team at any given moment. Improve Your Skill: How To Save Time Writing Blog Posts How To Rock A Content Development Process That Will Save You Tons Of Time 3. You Handle Criticism And Critique Criticism and critique are not the same thing.  Both can be valuable. As a content marketer, you know how to handle both criticism or critique, whether that means knowing how or when to respond, or if you should respond at all. You can identify what you should take seriously and which battles to fight. You know how to participate in amicable disagreement, or you knowing when to avoid it entirely.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Physical Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Physical Education - Essay Example The more the calories spent on the physical activity, the less becomes the risk. This is because, exercise has so many advantages such as regulating blood pressure, lowering cholesterol level, regulating stress levels, improving blood circulation, protection against chronic diseases. The exercise recommended for healthy living is approximately 30-40 minutes of vigorous or non-vigorous physical activity for at least 5 days a week. Studies have proved that long term vigorous exercise training helps in reducing the occurrence of mortality and aids in longevity of life span. Even though non-vigorous exercise training reduces all-cause mortality risks, long term vigorous exercise training increases survival rates and longevity. Age related changes in chromosome changes are slowed down by vigorous exercises. It also increases the function of white blood cells thus giving protection against various diseases. Long term vigorous exercise training helps in controlling and maintaining weight, thus giving protection against diseases such as Cardio Vascular Diseases(CVD), diabetes, stroke, cancer etc. This exercise training is a healthy lifestyle change which helps in reducing mortality and increasing longevity. High Density Lipoprotein(HDL) cholesterol is the good cholesterol which cleans out the excess cholesterol adhered to the walls of blood vessels. The excess cholesterol is carried by HDL to the liver for processing. Low Density Lipoprotein(LDL) cholesterol is the bad cholesterol which gets adhered to the walls of the blood vessels. Therefore, the more the HDL cholesterol the less is the risk of coronary art diseases. Regular physical activity of 30 minutes or more helps in increasing the HDL cholesterol level and in decreasing LDL cholesterol levels. To boost the HDL levels, the exercises should be regular and should burn at

Friday, November 1, 2019

Animal Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Animal Rights - Essay Example It is important to consider in a critical fashion whether they have substantially offered a clear point to convince us of what they claim that we have moral or ethical responsibilities towards animals and that we need to shift to vegetarianism. Michael Pollan essentially believes that we have moral or ethical responsibilities towards animals. This evident in his point of view when he tries to argue that it is just fine to consume meat from animals for as long as humans must implement the entire process with consciousness, ceremony and respect that these concerned animals deserve (Pollan). In other words, Polan believes that animals have certain rights as well, knowing that his point reveals the fundamental treatment that animals may potentially deserve even if they are the kind solely intended for human consumption. Pollan is trying to imply that animals which might be primarily meant for meat on the table are still deserving of the appropriate treatment from humans. If there is what we call a humane treatment for humans, Pollan is trying to suggest a significant and similar action as counterpart on animals. This makes him a not so conservative advocate as far as the claim against animal consumption is concerned, but his points will give us enough understanding that humans have essential moral or ethical obligations towards animals. However, Pollan’s point is not so strong to lead us to a vegetarian lifestyle. On the contrary, Tom Regan is so strong with his sheer stand, that just like humans, animals have positive interests too. He remarkably creates a more philosophical argument in this claim, by defining what it means to be human, linking it to the point of defining human interest at its broadest term. One of his remarkable examples that is compelling and worthy of a response is the point that infants are humans too, but if being able to express through words might prove humans to have that positive interests they deserve, then infants who are not cap able of using words might turn out to be like animals too that based on the human standards, are not able to use words, logic and higher form of thinking (Regan). Therefore, it is not safe to argue that expression is such a fundamental basis of the human right and the thing that makes individuals superior to animals. Even though animals are not able to express, but Regan believes that they too also have corresponding rights just as what infants deserve. Regan therefore is trying to emphasize the point that animals have the basic right to survive, which is technically the essence of their positive interests. Unlike Pollan, Regan is more serious in his view to promote the idea that animals’ interests should prevail, implying therefore that vegetarianism is the right way to take for the humanity. â€Å"The question of the obligatoriness of vegetarianism, in other words, can arise only if and when the animals we eat are the kind of beings who have interests† (Regan). Final ly, just like Regan, Harriet Schleifer provides some remarkable arguments in order to convince the humanity that killing animals for our consumption is unethical. Schleifer has the same idea with Regan, acknowledging the thought that animals have the basic right they deserve, and that is the right to have their lives. In