Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Dutch Colonisation free essay sample

Europeans. one of them was the Netherlands, they call themselves the Dutch. The Dutch started ruling in Indonesia from 1603 and ended in 1942 by a japanese invasion in world war 2. Between 1602 1798 indonesians were under the control of the Dutch east india company. The Indonesians suffered exploitation of its labor force, this led to a huge uprising against the Dutch rule which contributed to their demise. The Dutch colonization impacted Indonesia in many ways, which was important to the development of Indonesia. DUTCH RULE IN INDONESIA The Dutch did not treat the Indonesians very well, they did not rule all over Indonesia, because some of the countries in indonesia were independent. The Dutch colonized Indonesia for many purposes, mainly for economical purposes, they were interested in the exotic resources found in Indonesia, as Indonesia was known for having resources such as coffee, sugar, and spices such as nutmeg, cloves, black pepper and cinnamon. We will write a custom essay sample on Dutch Colonisation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page THE DUTCH EAST INDIA COMPANY SUPPRESSED INDONESIA After a short period of trading spices, during 1602 the VOC (Vereenigde Oost Indische Compagnie) or Netherland’s united east india company was formed. Around 1619 after the slow process of Netherland’s industrialization, the VOC indirectly colonized indonesia. Their initial purpose was to dominate the trade in indonesia and form a monopoly of trade against other European countries, who they were competing against. The VOC slowly got more control over Indonesia as they built headquarters in Batavia, Banda, Tidore, Java, and Makasa. INDONESIA UNDER THE DUTCH RULE Under the dutch rule, Central Java suffered starvation from 1900 to 1902 they only suffered for two years?. The Dutch exploited the colony, its natural resources, and the labor force. The Dutch were interested in gaining high profits from the labor and resources they extracted from Indonesia. The Dutch use to make people grow crops,make spices,etc never use etc because it means you cannot think of anything else to write. When,all the crops and spices were made they use to be sent to their country and,when it would be ready to be sold they use to get it back to Indonesia and sell it to the people of Indonesia. This is how they made profit very fast and easily. The Dutch established closer governmental controls over the colony. In l830 this political control was improved by the Cultuurstelsel (Cultivation System), it is an economic system by which the government took direct control over the development of the agriculture. The natives were required to work sixty-six days for the government. INDONESIA’S RESISTANCE The Java War of 1825-30 was the last resistance of the Javanese to Dutch rule. It was led by Pangeran Diponegoro (ca. 1785-1855), eldest son of the sultan of Yogyakarta. His education was a combination of both Islamic and mystical elements. The cause of this war in 1825 was the Dutch decision to build a road across a piece of his property that contained a sacred tomb. Therefore the Java War started, it was a bitter guerrilla conflict in which as many as 200,000 Javanese died in fighting, the population of Java at the end of the eighteenth century was only 3 million. The territories of Yogyakarta and Surakarta were weakened. This paragraph reads very similar to one from the Mongabay website, you need to be careful not to plagiarize information INDONESIAN INDEPENDENCE Due to bankruptcy, the VOC was dissolved in 1800. During World War II, 1942-1945, the Japanese occupied Indonesia. Although short-lived, the occupation enabled Indonesians to arm themselves for the very first time. Shortly after Japans defeat in WWII, Sukarno and Hatta proclaimed Indonesia an independent state, and they became the founding fathers of the new country. When the Dutch returned and tried to re-establish colonial rule, armed Indonesians resisted. The Dutch were forced to recognize an independent Indonesia in 1949. COLONIZATION IMPACTS ON INDONESIA The Dutch established Java as the center of the East Indies, which explains hy Java is the economic, political and most populous island in Indonesia. Well, the Dutch left both good and bad impacts on indonesia some of the good things were the development of roads, infrastructure, closer interaction between Western and Eastern culture and education. Christian missionaries also converted some of the Bataks, Ambonese and Papuans. Some of the bad things were the exploitation of Ind onesian resources and labour and discrimination against Eurasians and non-white people in jobs in the civil service and military. The Dutch wanted access to Indonesian natural resources to bring back to Europe and trade. They used the Indonesians as slaves to farm many of Indonesian natural resources. The Dutch became rich from these practices while the Indonesians suffered and became angry. The combination of the anger towards the dutch, and the fact that they became more educated from the Dutch, the indonesians started to develop their own opinions and rebelled against the dutch which eventually led to Indonesian independence.

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